Author: Nick Goltz

Lab closed 8/15

The lab will be closed to visitors Monday, August 15 as our building finishes asbestos abatement. Please drop-off your sample later in the week or leave it in the cooler at the entrance of the hallway for us to collect. Thank you!

Welcome to the Team, Lou!

We are excited to announce the hiring of our new undergraduate Extension assistant: Chenghao “Lou” Lou.

Lou will help us produce elevated extension materials including videos and podcast episodes. Stay tuned for these resources!

Welcome to the team, Lou!

Hiring Undergraduate Laboratory & Extension Assistant

The UConn Plant Diagnostic Laboratory (PDL) is seeking applicants for part-time student assistants (2). One position will support the PDL with media preparation, sample receipt, client data entry, sample plating/incubation, and PDL email account management. The other assistant will support the PDL and UConn Home & Garden Education Center with occasional outreach events and extension publications, such as blog posts, newspaper articles, and fact sheets (reviewed and edited by supervisor prior to publication).

These positions will help prepare a student for work in more advanced laboratory settings, entry-level extension positions, and positions in the nursery and horticulture industry. Useful skills will be developed and extension-style publications are possible to enhance one’s CV/resume.

– Salary is $15.50 – $18.00/hr, depending on experience and qualifications (see below)
– Flexible schedule and number of hours (min 10 hrs/week; max 30hrs/week)
– Grant-funded through Aug.31st
o May be renewed on 8/31/22 depending on applicant interest and availability of grant funding
o If continuing beyond 8/31/22, positive performance may lead to raise in salary as well as opportunities to support research and attend/present at professional meetings (APS, ESA, NPDN, etc.)
– Work computer and other necessary equipment will be provided for the duration of employment

Required Qualifications:
• Basic knowledge of laboratory equipment and safety protocols
• Must have passed, with a grade of “B” or higher, Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
o Will consider any of the following as substitutions with justification from applicant: Herbaceous Ornamental Plants, Introduction to the Horticulture of Cannabis, Introduction to Plant Science, Nursery Production, Plant Pest Control, Plant Propagation, Small Fruit Production, Turfgrass Management, or Vegetable Production
• Proficient with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
• Must be comfortable handling live plants, insects, soil, and fungi on a routine basis
• Must comply with current University masking and vaccination policy, as well as lab safety protocols

Preferred Qualifications:
• Good with technology, in the sense of being able to transfer video, photo, audio files etc. responsibly over OneDrive
• Proficient with video editing applications Adobe Premiere Pro and/or Final Cut Pro (ability to insert opening/closing titles, lower-thirds, Ken Burns effect scroll over photos and videos, background music, etc.)
• Experience with creating closed captioning, preferably in Adobe Premiere Pro
• Knowledge of how to use smartphone and standard cameras and advise on best settings to use

To Apply:

Email PDL Director, Dr. Goltz (, with any questions and:
– a copy of your CV/resume
– brief statement describing qualifications and interest
– interview availability, and
– contact information for at least 1 professional reference (may be previous employer or instructor)

Interviews will occur on a first-come, first-serve basis until the position is filled. Thank you for your interest!

No Sample Processing April 25th-29th

The UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab will not be able to process samples between April 25th and April 29th. We encourage you to wait to submit samples until Monday, May 2nd. Any samples received between April 25th to April 29th will be logged into our system and kept in cold storage until Dr. Goltz’s return from the NPDN meeting. Anticipate a delayed response if submitting a sample during that window. Any questions regarding plant health or management should be directed to the UConn Home & Garden Education Center ( The friendly and helpful staff at the center will support you.

1/4/22 – Lab Accepting Samples, Closed To Visitors

Following updated UConn COVID-19 guidelines, the UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab will be closed to visitors until, at earliest, February 1, 2022. We will be accepting samples as usual during this time, however. If you wish to submit a sample, please either leave the sample in one of the coolers at the wheelchair-accessible entrance of the Ratcliffe Hicks Building (by the Home & Garden Education Center sign), or mail the sample to us, following our sample submission guidelines.

We hope you and your loved ones stay safe, healthy, and warm!